Neighbourhood association - Scheveningen

For our english speaking neighbours

Introduction website Van Stolkpark

On behalf of the neighbourhood association (Wijkvereniging) “Van Stolkpark” we would like to welcome you in this area. We sincerely hope that you enjoy it as much as we do.

The neighbourhood association aims to represent the interests of its residents, and to safeguard the unique character of the neighbourhood, inter alia, by keeping in close touch with the municipality of The Hague. We feel that the achievement of these objectives will be enhanced by a continuous exchange of views with the residents. The neighbourhood association publishes a journal, the “Koerier”, which appears once or twice a year, in Dutch. When there are developments of interest, we also send (e-mail)newsletters. Once a year, there is a neighbourhood party, usually in June. The Association started in 1974.

We attach great importance to conserving the unique character of our neighbourhood and its green surroundings, in the interest of both inhabitants and visitors. The neighbourhood is a National Protected City View (Rijksbeschermd Stadsgezicht). If you want to make changes to buildings you need to apply for a permit with the municipality (information telephone number 14070). It is important to inform your neighbours. The zoning law (Beheersverordening) sets rules on where and how you may build/alter buildings. There are also limits to the height of fences. Gardens may not be paved for more than a third of the area.

The activities of the association are financially supported by contributions made by the residents. Many residents are a “Friend” of the neighbourhood association, and pay an annual fee of 20 Euro per year.
We would greatly appreciate your adherence as a Friend to the neighbourhood association. For more information, please
send an e-mail to .

In case you wish to have further information pertaining to this neighbourhood and/or the city of The Hague, or have any ideas for improvements, please contact us by sending an e-mail to .  We can arrange that a neighbourhood committee member pays you a brief visit, explaining the living conditions of this area and answering questions you may have.

We wish you a wonderful stay here!